Power and Duties
Power and Duties
According to the proclamation No. 1263/2021 issued to determine the powers and functions of the executive bodies of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Ministry of Agriculture will have the following powers and functions.
a) formulate policies, strategies, programs and legal framework which ensures the sustainability of agriculture and forest development and its competitiveness; implement the same upon approval by the concerned organs
b) establish a system which enables to promote the participation and role of the private sector in agricultural sector development;
c) establish a rural financial system accessible to farmers, pastoralists, and semi-pastoralists and to private sector actors engaged in agricultural activities;
d) cause the expansion and utilization of agricultural extension advisory service;
e) establish a system for demand, supply, distribution and marketing inputs for crop production, veterinary, fishery and natural resource development;
f) establish a system which enable the prevention and control of plant, animal and fish diseases;
g) establish a system and infrastructure that enable to improve the quality and accessibility of plant and veterinary health services;
h) establish a system for registration and monitoring of agricultural technology, input and service;
i) devise strategy, in collaboration with the concerned organs, in order to make urban farming effective and establish implementation mechanisms;
j) ensure the proper implementation of animal genetic improvement;
k) coordinate the compilation of technologies necessary for livestock and fishery products development and the introduction of the same to users as may be necessary;
l) follow up and support the establishment of a system for rural land management and sustainable utilization of natural grazing land;
m) cause the establishment of a system for market led veterinary resource development, water centered crops and animal feed development, vegetables and fruits development and utilization of grazing land and natural resource in pastoralist and semi pastoralist areas;
n) establish a system for the strengthening of water harvesting, diversion of water, development of ground water resource, utilization of water pumps activities by integrating water used for farming with rain, surface and ground water;
o) establish a system for the formulation and implementation of programs and projects for utilization of river basin, soil and water;
p) identify the causes for the extinction of natural resource in order to conserve and sustainably utilize it and establish a system for formulation and implementation of prevention strategies and follow up its implementation;
q) build capacity which enables to predict the impact of natural and man-made disasters on agricultural development; among others.
Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 1263/2021.