FDRE Ministry of Agriculture

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Welcome to Ministry of Agriculture
Official Website
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!
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Ministry of Agriculture
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) presented a recognition award to the Ministry of Agriculture for the outstanding results recorded in wheat cultivation.
Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!
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Ethiopia is the Largest Wheat Producer in Africa.
Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!
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Ethiopia is Africa's Largest Coffee Producer and Exporter.
Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!
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Ethiopia has the Largest Livestock Population in Africa.
Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!
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Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!
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Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!
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Message From Our Minister

With rapid population growth, increased demand for more food, fragile ecosystems, increasing energy demand and eminent dangers from climate change, the agricultural sector in Ethiopia will invest in technological advances to guarantee food security at household level, clinch availability of sufficient supply for industries and increase the production of selected agricultural outputs for the export market.
The agriculture sector extends its opportunities to farmers, industrialists, exporters, aggregators and other key players and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is committed to work with all involved to ensure transformation of the sector will be realized at a much faster pace than ever before. The three domains MoA will be focusing will center on the provision of optimal incentives to sector participants, availing evidence, data, skills and knowledge to farmers, extension workers, scientists and policy makers and to invest in key priority infrastructures to translate the country natural resources to good and sustainable use.


H.E Girma Amente(PHD)

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry Vision

To see a Transformed Agriculture that plays a significant contribution to the structural transformation of the country's economy by 2030.

Ministry Mission

Improve agriculture productivity and competitiveness while ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of natural resource

Ministry Goal

Boost agricultural production, commercialization, and exports; reduce land degradation; improve natural resource productivity; and achieve food security at all levels.

Organizational Structure

This is The Main Ministry Organization Structure Chart

Country Area(1000Ha)
Land Area(1000Ha)​
Agriculture Area(1000Ha)​
Forest Coverage

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Beyond Production! ከማምረት በላይ!

Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia.

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